Friday, September 07, 2007

1st Quiz and Lab

We had our first quiz today, and it wasn't so bad was it? We also performed our first lab. You had the opportunity to observe prepared slides of organisms from 4 different kingdoms (sorry protists, I didn't have any slides of your group today) the plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria.
Have a great weekend!

Homework: Complete questions 1-4 on the lab packet for Monday.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Ten Themes and Microscopes

We have completed our outline of Chapter One, exploring the ten themes of Biology. We also took a look at the parts of the microscope. Tomorrow we will be having our short quiz on vocabulary terms and parts of the microscope. The second half of class will be devoted to working on looking at prepared slides of cells from plants, animals, and fungi.

Homework: Chapter review questions from page 20 numbers 1-10, 12, 15.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Day 2 - Friday

Today, we began outlining Chapter One. The key vocabulary words I defined for you were: biosphere, ecosystem, organism, cell, DNA, and species. We also looked at the characteristics of a mythical creature, the Whizzer, to determine if other unnamed organisms belonged to its species.
Homework: Read Chapter One, and log into the textbook website and register for the class ( using the instructions on the colored sheet I gave you on the 1st day of class. Please let me know if you have any troubles. If you are able to get into the site, complete the WebQuest Activity for Chapter 1.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

1st Day of School

Welcome back to school. I want to wish all of you a happy and successful school year. Today, I gave you lots of paperwork (sorry). Please make sure to read through it all. I will expect you to have your composition notebook and binder set up by Tuesday. Remember to sign up for the Internet access site for the textbook (the colored paper with the access codes).

After getting through introductions today, we did an observational activity. The challenge was to list characteristics that animals, plants, and seeds exhibit that lead us to think that they are living things. I also gave you a mystery item which stumped a lot of you. In the case of the mystery item more study was needed. Some of you suggested cutting it open to see what was inside. The mystery item turned out to be an oak gall (follow this link to learn more about it).

Homework for all classes (10 points): Have a parent/guardian sign both copies of the Safety Contract and return it tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Botany of Desire

I have just completed reading Michael Pollan's The Botany of Desire (Random House, 2001). In this book he takes a careful look at the relationship between humans and the plants that we have cultivated in particular: the apple, the tulip, marijuana, and the potato. The section on the potato might be worth exploring with students as it raises the question of whether or not we should bio-engineer the plants that we use to eat. At the time of publication, food labels were not required on bio-engineered products. Other topics worth exploring would be the large scale use of pesticides and herbicides and their impact on ground water and human health (particularly that of farm workers); the history of the Irish Potato Famine, and its impact on our country's development; organic farming techniques; and bioengineering techniques in plants and animals (including human gene therapy).

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

3-D Arthropod Models

When we completed our study of the 5 classes of Arthropod, I assigned a modeling project. Students could work independently or with one partner. They were to create a model of an Arthropod using recycled or craft materials, paying close attention to anatomical structure of the organism they were modeling. The following are websites that I provided them to help with their research: Insect Field Guide, Crustacean List, The Sea, Science Safari, eNature Field Guides, The Bug Guide, and The Garden Safari.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Worms, Worms, and More Worms

In our continuing study of the animal kingdom we have been studying three phyla of worms: Nematoda, Platyhelminthes, and Annelida. The Annelids include the gardener's best friend - the earthworm. I picked these nightcrawlers up at the local convenience store which carries live bait. Some of the students were a little grossed out by working with live worms.

The students began their studies of the earthworm by elliciting nervous system responses. In a dissecting tray the students laid dry and wet paper towels and placed the worms in the middle, covered them with a piece of cardboard and waited five minutes. The worms of course prefer a wet environment, and therefore moved to the wet paper towel side of the tray. Then with the tray covered completely with wet towels the students covered half of the tray with the cardboard and shined a flashlight on the worms. Worms like it dark so they beat a hasty retreat to the side of the tray that was covered by the cardboard.

Lastly, we set up a couple of "wormeries." We layered soil, sand, dead leaves, and some vegetable scraps (potato and apple peelings) in a two liter plastic bottle. Then we introduced 3-4 worms to each bottle. You can see the worms tunneling through this bottle (They are the pinkish layer right above the sandy layer). In order to provide the worms with the environment they prefer we have dark paper sleeves around the bottles to block the bright sunlight, and we keep the soil moistened.
To wrap it all up we have studied earthworm anatomy and conducted dissections. Many students were anxious about the dissections, but admit when it was all over it wasn't so bad.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Unit - Animal Kingdom

Today, we introduced a new unit of study in class, the Animal Kingdom. At each lab station I placed samples of preserved animals, models, or skeletons of the various phylum (annelids, mammals, fish, amphebians, cnairdians, porifora, birds, arthropods and reptiles for example). The students went from station to station trying to name the group of animals, and to determine if the group were invertebrate or vertebrate animals. This was a sort of a K-W-L activity to see what the students knew about animals. We did not define what an invertebrate or a vertebrate was as this is a seventh grade class, and we really wanted to see what knowledge base they possess. The kids were definetely involved in this activity and exhibited high levels of interest. We currently have a pair of ringneck doves and several rats in the classroom which the students love to observe, care for, and interact with.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Baking Bread - A real world application

It is important for our students to understand why we study the curriculum that we do, and where will it apply in their everyday lives, therefore, as a follow up to our lesson and lab on yeast respiration, we made bread. I pointed out that for centuries we humans have been taking advantage of the process of yeast respiration for our own benefit. Yeast are used in baking, cheese and yogurt production, and in fermenting wine and beer. The emphasis in talking about the process of bread baking was on the requirements for yeast growth (food source, warmth, darkness, and moisture) and how the recipe fullfills these. I also stressed that the bread rises because of the carbon dioxide which is being released as the yeast cells respire. In a previous lab, the students had studied what yeast need to live by "proofing" yeast. They had set up a beaker with yeast and water (the control), and a second beaker with yeast, water and sugar (the experimental sample). They then made a wet mount slide of each sample, staining the yeast in order to see them and count them. The samples were then left overnight in a warm, dark place. The following day the students again prepared wet mount slides of each sample and discovered that sugar caused an increase in the number of yeast cells.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Studying Respiration in Yeast

In order to study respiration in yeast we set up an experiment using Bromothymol Blue (an indicator which is sensitive to the pH changes that result when carbon dioxide is dissolved in it), sugar, live yeast cells, and dead yeast cells (yeast were boiled). The students set up three test tubes with 15mL Bromothymol Blue solution and 2 grams of sugar. The first test tube served as a control containing only the Bromothymol Blue solution and sugar. The second tube had live yeast cells added to it, and the third had dead yeast cells added. The samples were then placed in a warm, dark room to incubate over night.

This lab group had an excellent result. From left to right the dead yeast tube, the live yeast tube and the control tube. Some lab groups had tubes that exhibited contamination in the dead yeast tube. Several groups had forgotten to clean their test tubes prior to beginning the lab. Lesson learned, never assume that your glassware is clean even if it looks clean. Of course we are not working under sterile conditions and some contamination is to be expected.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Edible Fungi Models

We made edible fungi models in class last Friday. The cardboard base represents a food source (tree branch, fruit, or piece of bread), the red and black licorice represent the hyphae, the tootsie pops standing are asexual spore cases, and the lollipop tops (orange in this model) represent sexual spore cases where +parent and -parent have met. The students had a blast making the models, and eating the extra modeling materials. If you can't get hold of shoe string licorice you may use two different colored yarns or ribbons.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between fungi and either algae or photosynthetic bacteria (cyanobacteria). Yesterday and today we have been observing lichens in the classroom. For some students it has been hard for them to understand the concept that lichens are composed of two different organisms. One source of difficulty has been in preparing wet mount slides of crushed lichens. It is very easy to observe the algae, but harder to see the fungi hyphae. Any suggestions would be helpful.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

International Space Station Viewing Opportunities

At school this morning the principal announced that in our area the International Space Station was scheduled to pass directly overhead and the sighting was expected to last up to 5 minutes. You can visit NASA to get information for sightings in your area. The station is best viewed at dawn or dusk when the sun is reflected off it. We took the opportunity to refresh the kids knowledge of how to use a compass in order to locate the station in the sky. Luckily, we had a compass for each student to use. Several students signed up to borrow a compass to use at home tonight. This was also a time to discuss NASA's future plans for space exploration and the role that the space station plays in endeavor.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bread Mold Lab

In the grade 7 Life Science classroom I am currently doing my student teaching internship in, the students are studying mold and fungus. Prior to leaving for Winter Vacation, the students innoculated homemade bread with spores from a moldy orange, sealed the bread in ziplock bags, and placed the bags in their lab drawers. Today, they took out their samples to view the results. First, the students observed the mold using the dissecting microscope. Second, they prepared wet mount slides to better view the hyphae and spores using the compound microscope. We had some great results. One student decided to try lifting the mold off the bread using scotch tape. She had an excellent result! Good thinking!