Wednesday, September 07, 2011

With the start of a new school year, I am always looking for ways to freshen up old boring lesson plans. One tool that I have been using is video clips from the teachersdomain.org website. They have hundreds of videos, lesson plans, documents, and interactive activities available for use in your classroom. This week I have been teaching an overview of biology and using clips about evolution, form and function, and technology related topics such as genetic engineering and stem cell research. The site is free with a valid email and school affiliation. Give it a try!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Earth Day Collages

Earth Day fell on April 22nd this year which coincided with our last day before spring vacation and I was looking for a quick activity for my chemistry classes to do on this day that would have them focusing on how chemistry impacts the environment. I gave them a stack of magazines I had been collecting (National Geographic, Smithsonian, Wired, and Scientific American), a sheet of 11x17" paper, scissors, and glue sticks and said go to it and you must be done by the time the bell rings. Here are some examples of what they produced.