Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May 11th Endangered Species Day

Endangered Species Day is May 11th and here is an idea for studying about these animals. Recently my Cub Scout den earned their Wildlife beltloop, and we discussed the difference between endangered and extinct animals. We placed the boys into small groups and had them research an endangered animal and answer the following questions: where does this animal live, why is this animal endangered and what are people doing to help preserve this animal?
My co-leader Joanne then explained a game that she and her sons created one night at the dinner table. They were eating hot dogs made from turkey, beef and pork and Joanne wondered what kind of animal that is. They create the "beorky," a black and white spotted, pig headed and tailed, tiny winged creature that stood on two turkey like legs. This creature's call is "wobloink," it can perch in trees and beware of the cow patty-like excrement. So we asked the boys to choose two to three endangered animals and combine them to create a new creature. They then had to choose its name, call, habitat, diet and to draw a picture of what it would look like. Below is a "progzly" a cross between a panda, grizzly bear and cougar. It lives in temperate woodlands, eats salmon skewed on bamboo and makes a "GURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" sound. (Drawing by my son Matt)

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