Friday, June 16, 2006

Internet Field Guide

Yesterday, my son and I fished this little guy out of the swimming pool. What kind of frog is he we wondered? The Internet is such a great tool for home and at school, with a little help from a search engine we came across the National Wildlife Federation's Website which provides online field guides. We searched for frogs in New England and identified our find as a Grey Tree Frog. What is great about this site is not only does it have pictures of the frog in question (the Grey tree frog can be grey or green) but also its voice. The sound (or racket, depending on the time of day) that this frog makes is very distinctive and helped us to identify it.

With that in mind, if you have the opportunity to take your class into the field, bring along some kind of recording devices such as taperecorders and cameras and then search for your finds on the Internet. Great way to get students into the field and to become tech savvy at the same time.

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