Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Learning While on Vacation

Recently while touring through Vermont for a family vacation, we made a stop at the Montshire Science Museum in Norwich. The entire family agrees that this museum was worth the stop. Inside you will find many hands-on learning activities in the following disciplines: Light and Vision;Sound; Air and Weather; Anatomy; Astromony; Environment; Live Animals; Math, Mechanics and Motion; and Water and Flow. Outside the museum the fun and learning continues. In the Science Park, you will experience what happens when science meets a water park. Plan on getting wet, you definitely need to bring the right clothes in order to fully experience this exhibit. The museum is located on 100 acres of land bordered by the Connecticut River. They have several well maintained hiking trails for you to explore.

I highly recommend taking advantage of museums like this to expose kids to science and to the fun of learning. Learning doesn't only take place in the classroom.
Hiking the River Trail (Above)

(Left) Aerial View from the top floor of the museum building overlooking the The Science Park- where science and water fun meet!

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