Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Concept mapping

In the never ending quest to assist students (high school sophomores in a college prep biology class) in learning new and difficult material, like macromolecules for example, my colleague and I developed a list of key terms for the students to map. Concept maps can take several different forms such as a top down flow chart or a web. Here I show just one portion of a larger map. As we moved through the unit I would have the students take their maps out and add new details to them. Tomorrow is the big unit test, they will be allowed to use the map on the test and turn it in for a classwork grade. Keep your fingers crossed for good results. The biggest challenge will be can they retain it as we move on in our curriculum and succeed on the mid-year exams?

Concept Map featuring terms about Lipids, includes key terms, examples, functions, etc.

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