Monday, December 10, 2012

It's working...

While Stumbling one day I came across a blog that described growing or should I say Re-growing celeryfrom its stalk. I decided to give it a try. It took some time but the first thing I noticed was the "greening" of the stalks as the exposure to the sunlight and access to water stimulated photosynthesis. Then from the base I began to see the formation of roots which have continued to elongate and multiply. Lastly, from the center is evidence of leaf formation. I have been keeping it on a sunny sill or what can be called a sunny sill as we approach the winter solstice. I'm also making sure to keep it well watered. Eventually I will transfer it to soil and hopefully come spring time put it out in the garden. Since I will be having the students doing an osmosis lab later this week using celery perhaps we will set one of these experiments in the lab to watch the process.
Here you can see the roots forming
at the base of the stalk
Notice the small leaf formation in
the very center.

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